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Melissa Chiem

Communicating physics and mathematics conceptually

Welcome and thanks for visiting my site! I have created many pieces of writing over the course of my studies in Mathematics & Physics which I'd like to share. I invite you to take a moment and look around. To learn more about my background, experience, skills and how we could potentially work together, simply contact me.


At the core

Personal Profile

From a young age, I’ve always had a humbling sense of awe and wonder at the grandeur of the universe. Beyond my visual perception of a starlit sky, to the glistening sunlight reflecting off the natural surfaces around me, I knew that just like me, it was made up of far more than the eye could see. I developed a deep curiosity for how things worked, and a reverence for a greatness beyond myself, but it wasn't until the passing of the single most important person in my life during my adolescence that I understood the limitations of knowledge, and the importance of humanity. I bring these values to every experience throughout my life on a personal and professional level. To learn more about me, keep exploring my site or reach out directly.

My Experience

Background & Expertise

Research Assistant, Queensland University of Technology

January 2017 - February 2018

Understand the research data problem, and synthesize a solution in support of the research outcome. I was responsible for creating an analytical solution to gaining insights for trajectory data relating to air mass movement, and aerosol size distributions with spatial, and temporal variation. From this research, I was awarded a Vacation Research Scholarship to research under supervision. I successfully delivered cleaned data which I could analyse to illustrate changing aerosol modal distributions.

Project Analyst, Statistical Capstone

July 2017 - November 2017

Responsible for NA data handling, and data cleaning, variable reduction/ selection for improving credit risk scoring predictions on loan defaults. Using computational statistics and applying k-fold cross validation machine learning techniques, I was able to produce a 3% increased gini coefficient to the baseline provided. The model's ability to predict loan default was improved.

Team Leader, ECQ

January 2015 - March 2015

I was responsible for providing oversight and leadership for a team of four, ensuring a timely audit of payroll time sheets during the state elections. This included team selection, staff training, monitoring, and QA of the team's work, ensuring time sheets, and related documents were provided, and complied with government policy.

Business Analyst and Project Manager, CCIG

December 2013 - April 2014

Providing root cause analysis of system integration errors, training staff in system administration tasks (SQL), identifying vendor, and project risks as well as improving knowledge transfer of the delivered application. Finally, providing advice, and next steps for application stability, and potential operational challenges.

My Skills

What I Do


Statistics + Programming = Data Science

Highly Intuitive

The Fibonacci spiral  can describe the arrangement, and distribution of shells, sunflower seeds, hurricanes, and  even galaxies. Some people can only see the detail, and others can only enjoy the natural representation. As a data scientist, my distinguishing factor is the ability to see both. 
The breadth of understanding gained through my professional experience, and the depth of my technical capabilities is enhanced by my quantitative degrees. I am able to effectively translate business objectives into technology supported actions which provide data insights for commercial, or operational outcomes.   I am proficient in R, Python, VBA, and I have previously worked with SQL, Java,, Powershell, as well as minimal experience with C#

data world.jpg

Research Assistant in Statistical Physics

Analysis Made Easier

Extraction, transformation, and loading data can be complicated by disparate data sources, varying file formats, files containing redundant data, data size, as well as different data types. Data cleaning is described as a bottle neck for research progress due to the many difficulties in achieving clean, relevant data to analyse. As a research assistant, I am able to analyse the data type, use algorithms to process data, convert data types, and formats to more malleable, and easy to work with files. I can assist with statistical, or physics related research, as well as prepare reports, tutorials, and perform statistical analysis. I have experience in spatial, and temporal data, relating to atmospheric science.



Outstanding Quality

My ability to collect data from disparate sources, organize, and combine information to gain insights has provided my employers with guided outcomes in advisory, review, and risk assessment roles.  In concise, and clear language, I've prepared reports on key areas for processes, systems, and governance risks where management are able to make informed decisions, and mitigate potential hazards to project outcomes.

"La beauté ce n'est pas d'avoir un joli visage. C'est d'avoir un bon coeur, un esprit ouvert, et surtout avoir une belle âme."

Auteur Anonyme


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